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Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions and Plans for the New Year

Under the "Naughty" Blog, for 18 or older folks, I'll be starting a few new features:

Horny Hump Day - Beginning on Jan. 4, 2012 I am participating along with 2 other authors in a 3 sentence blog hop where we hope to provide you with tiny little tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in our books. Just 3 sentences. The books might be already published, works-in-progress, or even classic literature we think you’ll like.

Frisky Friday - Beginning on Jan. 6, 2012 - Just as its name implies, these posts are going to examine the naughtier nature of romance.

Six Sentence Sunday - Beginning on Jan. 8, 2012 I will be doing a "Six Sentence Sunday" posting, which I will also post on the NCP Network.  In this feature, I hope to provide you with tiny little tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in my books that are on the erotic side. I intend to build these 6 sentences from the same scene as my Horny Hump Day 3 sentence feature. The books might be already published, works-in-progress, or even sentences from other sexy books I think you’ll like.  Of course, I will properly attribute all works, even mine.

I'll also be participating in several giveaways and blog hops which I will advertise on the side bar.  Their level of naughtiness will determine where I will host them.

If you're interested in learning more about any of these, and you are 18 years or older, please visit:

For this "Not so Naughty Blog" I will doing:

Thoughtful Thursdays - that will cover topics of a thoughtful nature.  They may be my own thoughts, or inspirational ideas from others I come across on the web.  In any case, I hope you find them insightful and thought-provoking.

Guest Bloggers - who will also post on a variety of topics, but most will be newly self-published or e-published authors talking about their experience.

I will also post notifications of any contests I am running on my web site as well as offering excerpts and prizes throughout the year, along with various and sundry items that I believe will be of interest to you as well.

Happy New Year!

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