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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday - Six Sentence Sunday - What is it? #sixsunday

"Six Second Sunday" you may have seen some posts and heard about it, but still have no clue what it is exactly, or how you can participate.  I post my "Six Second Sunday" entries on my naughty blog http://krbnaughtythoughts.blogspot.com/ (shameless plug here), but wanted to share my insights here regarding this promotional opportunity open to published and aspiring writers alike. 

First of all, there is an official site http://www.sixsunday.com/ where beginning Tuesday evenings at 6PM (EST) until Saturday at 11:59PM (EST) you can sign up to participate.  You do need to have a blog or a web site where you can post your six sentences (and six sentences only), but that's the only real requirement. 

For more information about SSS and its recommended social niceties, you can check the FAQs on the site, or read the post on the SFR blog I have listed below.

Participating is easy. Pick any SIX sentences from your work from any genre, whether WIP or published (you don’t have to be published to participate) and post them on your blog or web site before Sunday 9 AM EST.

Then on Sunday, visit, read and comment on as many sites as you wish.  I have increased my reading list substantially since I started participating, and I’m sure I'm not the only one.  It really is a fun way to find new authors.  If you're interested, but aren't sure what to post, visit the site and click on some of the previous links to see what other authors have done.

Want to learn more about the history of Six Sentence Sunday?  Then hop on over to the SFR blog by clicking the following link: http://sfrcontests.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-six-sentence-sunday.html

As one final note of interest, the first SSS post was on February 28, 2010 with four participants.  On the first Sunday of 2011 there were thirty-six, and last Sunday there were 178, of which I was one.  Of course not every participant is able to visit every other participant, but if you're looking to expand your readership or awaken an interest in your WIP, it's a free and easy way to make your work visible to others.

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