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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thoughtful Thursdays - Writer's Block (not just a state of mind)

I saw an article on the internet recently that discussed a writer's work space.  In the article, the writer said:

"For a long time I used my environment as an excuse not to write. I wasn’t comfortable. My desk lives in a corner of a room that is dark, noisy and cramped. I was always putting off writing as I just couldn’t think there. I’d do anything to avoid the area and not write. But I needed that space. My books, records and equipment were all there. I had to find an answer that would prompt me to create."

So, if you feel like your creative muse has taken a vacation and left you stranded to fend for yourself, perhaps you should take a good look about you.  Is your writing area conducive for creative output?  How do you feel about just sitting there?  Do you feel like you want to get away as soon as possible?  If so, then maybe it's the way you've got your area set up.

Since writing areas are personal, with some writers comfortable scribbling or typing on their beds while others require a more office-like structure, I hesitate to put down any hard and fast rules, especially because I don't think there are any.  Even so, I think the following points are essential.

1.) Wherever you choose to write, you need to feel comfortable to just sit and think in the space.  A lot of writing is done through the mental plotting out of an idea.  If you aren't comfortable creating in your spot, I think you'll need to pick another spot or make it comfortable.

2.) If possible, try to keep your writing area free of distractions.  That includes husbands and children, if at all possible.  I find it's just too easy for me to find "other" things to do, unless I'm in "the zone."  If I'm there, distractions are momentary and fleeting unless my presence is required elsewhere.  However, I can't get into "the zone" if I'm not writing.

3.) If you are attempting to keep to a writing schedule, you should avoid checking e-mail during your allotted writing time.  For computer users, just keep your browser closed down so you won't be tempted.  Spending time researching is acceptable, of course, but try not to get so caught up in searching the web that you don't get back to what it is you are supposed to be doing--writing.

Some writers need absolute quiet to create, others need noise even if it's just the television or the radio.  So, your area should provide you with whatever it is you need that will help put you into a creative mindset.  And above all, enjoy what you're doing or you won't want to keep at it, and success at anything is 99% persistence, or so I've heard.


  1. I liked your points on distraction - and particularly noise. Great blog post Kathryn. Thank you. ;-)

  2. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Glad you liked it.


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